Force and Motion

Zach Fluck
Science blog

Force and Motion Blog

Sir Isaac Newton was an English astronomer, physicist, and mathematician, born on December 25, 1642. He died on March 20, 1727, most likely from mercury poisoning or old age. However, during his life, he made several contributions to modern science and advanced our understanding of physics tremendously.

Arguably his most famous discovery was gravity. However, he had to use his 3 laws of motion to make this accomplishment. Newton understood that an object at rest will stay at rest, unless acted on by unbalanced forces. Therefore, if an object such as an apple is in a resting position there must be a force to make the apple fall to the ground. He discovered this invisible force to be gravity.

At a young age Newton was removed from school to be a farmhand. Despite returning to school the turning point in his live was he left his hometown to attend Cambridge University. After attending Cambridge he returned to his hometown where his observations would lead him to many groundbreaking discoveries.

Newton's discoveries still serve as contributions today. Without Newton's laws and discovery of gravity we wouldn’t be able to do may things we’ve become capable of such as space exploration. Throughout the future we will still use Newton's laws and discovery of motion to further advance modern science,


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