This reflective paint could keep sunbaked buildings cool
Alice Bazyar January 28th, 2019 This reflective paint could keep sunbaked buildings cool There is a newly made polymer-based paint that reflects almost all sunlight and can keep buildings, cars, airplanes, and/or any other sunbaked structure cool. This polymer paint can be applied to many things like plastic, wood, or metals; and it can also be turned into recyclable tarpaulins for covering homes, cars, or other closed spaces. Scientist, Yuan Yang of Columbia University made this paint only out of water, acetone, and polymer called poly. When the applied paint dries, the evaporated acetone and water left behind a firm polymer and film riddled with air pockets. The tiny particles/polymer, reflect more than 96% of the sunlight; but other white cool-roof paints only reflected 85% of the sunlight. The films porous structure also lets any heat the material does contain to escape to the air much more easily than any other solid polymer sheet, says the coauthor Nanfang ...