Tidal Power
Claudia Morales
Tidal Power
Tidal Power is one of the oldest forms of energy out there. Its a type of water energy
just like hydro power but instead of the wheel its the tides in the ocean. Its renewable
energy caused by the tides to create electricity. Tidal Power towers can only be placed
by the coastline of anywhere. it`s a tall stick like tower with a huge fan type thing. It
doesn't have an actual name its just referred to as a tidal power plant.
I personal think that its a great renewable source. Because you can never run out of ocean water unless something comes to suck up all the water of the world forever. But a down side to the towers are that a kid could jump in without knowing it`s dangerous and they could get caught in the spinning fan things.
We should make a safer way for the blades to spin because kids could possibly die by bleeding out or drowning. If we just use the waves without the extra power we could end up having less deaths. even though it might go a bit slow i think that`s a risk to take when it comes to kids.
just like hydro power but instead of the wheel its the tides in the ocean. Its renewable
energy caused by the tides to create electricity. Tidal Power towers can only be placed
by the coastline of anywhere. it`s a tall stick like tower with a huge fan type thing. It
doesn't have an actual name its just referred to as a tidal power plant.
I personal think that its a great renewable source. Because you can never run out of ocean water unless something comes to suck up all the water of the world forever. But a down side to the towers are that a kid could jump in without knowing it`s dangerous and they could get caught in the spinning fan things.
We should make a safer way for the blades to spin because kids could possibly die by bleeding out or drowning. If we just use the waves without the extra power we could end up having less deaths. even though it might go a bit slow i think that`s a risk to take when it comes to kids.
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