Hachimoji DNA
In the year 1953, scientists successfully succeeded in identifying DNA’s structure. There are four nucleotides, and they each contain a letter-labeled base. They are arranged in a double helix pattern. A for adenine is matched with thymine T, as cytosine, C, bond with guanine, G. These are described as the building blocks of all life on Earth. Their pairs create genetic intructions for proteins, which aid in about all critical processes keeping us alive.
With that, scientists have found a way to double the double helix letters so instead of DNA with
four letters, there are now eight. This new DNA is named “hachimoji DNA” meaning “eight and letters” in Japanese. This new DNA is already far more durable in storing digital data, that could used for centuries.
A team of researches manufactured this new structure lead by Steven Benner, who is a synthetic biologist from the Foindation for Applied Molecular Evolution. “We can do everything here that is necessary for life,” said Benner, menaing nowadays it’s easier to manipulate and manifucture necessities of live or make them.
I think that with the new ways of actually advancing technology or manipulation in life, wether it’s pestisides or manufacturing a new structure of DNA is a bit scary. It’s like the world today is ignoring the different kind of ‘warnings’ that books and movies have been trying to say for years. As time passes it’s going to only get easier to change the ways of life unnaturally and also possibly getting harder to keep all that in control. I think it’s cool but kind of alarming because no one really knows is this a good thing or a bad thing.
With that, scientists have found a way to double the double helix letters so instead of DNA with
four letters, there are now eight. This new DNA is named “hachimoji DNA” meaning “eight and letters” in Japanese. This new DNA is already far more durable in storing digital data, that could used for centuries.
A team of researches manufactured this new structure lead by Steven Benner, who is a synthetic biologist from the Foindation for Applied Molecular Evolution. “We can do everything here that is necessary for life,” said Benner, menaing nowadays it’s easier to manipulate and manifucture necessities of live or make them.
I think that with the new ways of actually advancing technology or manipulation in life, wether it’s pestisides or manufacturing a new structure of DNA is a bit scary. It’s like the world today is ignoring the different kind of ‘warnings’ that books and movies have been trying to say for years. As time passes it’s going to only get easier to change the ways of life unnaturally and also possibly getting harder to keep all that in control. I think it’s cool but kind of alarming because no one really knows is this a good thing or a bad thing.
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