Dangerous Chemical Mixtures in the Household

Many household items can be mixed together to form a dangerous chemical mixture. These chemical mixtures are often made by accident, for example mixing two different types of toilet bowl cleaners. Mixing these two items could make chlorine gas, a very poisonous gas when inhaled. The reason this gas is made is because of the acid and alkalis in the toilet bowl cleaners mixing together to make a dangerous substance.

That is not the only dangerous mixture of household chemicals. Another mixture is vinegar and bleach. These two everyday household chemicals can mix together to form chlorine gas. The reason this happens is because vinegar in an acid, and when acids mix together with bleach it forms chlorine gas. The most dangerous mixture of all that can be made with household chemicals is ammonia and bleach. This mixture can cause serious damage to your respiratory system and possibly kill you.

Not all chemical mixtures require human error however. Some commercial grade chemicals when mixed with water can produce deadly vapors. For example a father of four used a commercial grade chemical to kill mice in his basement, and when the basement flooded the chemical mixed with the water to create deadly vapors. These vapors killed the fathers children. The important thing to take away from this is to always read the labels on chemicals in your house.



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