Earth's Magnetic Poles Shifting

Earth's Magnetic Poles Shifting

Earth's north pole has seemed to start moving faster than usual. For earth's magnetic poles to move is not unusual and actually happened often in the past. The north pole which located in the Canadian Arctic, has slowly started to move to the Russian, around a staggering 37 miles a year. In the 1800 it was known for the poles to drift but in the later 1900 the poles have seemed to move at a faster rate. It even went so far to cross over a national date line in 2018, this shows how fast the magnetic poles can switch.
The question on why this is happening might show up. Well the magnetic poles have switched before around 720,000 years ago. From what scientist can estimate we are in the stone age of the magnetic poles flipping. This is a result of earth's liquid iron core, and the large magnetic field running through it has a center that center is decreasing every year and increasing more somewhere else. Through the years it will  just the point of the north pole will decrease from Canada and increase more towards Russia. This also is not s sudden movement it has been predicted to happen for years and a look back on different times where this magnetic change has occurred. The magnetic field was designed to move and to think about it more as a moving pole and less as a stick going straight through earth's two ends.
The effect this has on earth is also not drastic and does not harm or really change anything, to say the least no human will really feel a difference. The most drastic effects that the drifting of the north pole will be is satellites. This just means it will be harder for the satellites to establish the correct magnetic poles. There will be no extreme change soon but scientist don't have a complete idea of what could happen in a few thousand years, or if we even need to really worry about it.
My thoughts on this is that i feel that the movement of the magnetic poles is just earth's natural movement. I feel it interesting to where it would be, but for now i think honestly there is bigger thing to worry about. Instead of the fear of what could happen when the poles switch in hundreds of thousands of years from now we should be worrying about things like climate change. There are more drastic changes that could carry out in the next hundred years and even though the thought of the poles switching will never really know about it. The north pole is changing but so is are climate.


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