Mahar-ullah Shahminah Mixtures in the kitchen

Mixtures Are Everywhere

By: Shahminah Mahar-ullah

Image result for mixtures

The amount of mixtures that can be created is infinitive. Everything you combine is a mixture, not only is this the case in the laboratory but even in your own house. Think of your kitchen, if you bake a basic cake your combining each of those ingredients to make a mixture that becomes your batter that you then put in the oven. Even the metal creating your water bottle is a mixture, the stainless steel and chromium is melted together then formed to make the bottle you use everyday. Mixtures are all around us in everyday life.

Solutions are also mixtures, but since all the molecules are evenly distributed its then considered homogeneous mixtures. There are many examples of this in the kitchen is lemonade, I say lemonade because all the ingredients in the drink dissolve or mix in with each other.

Another type on mixture is a homogeneous mixture. A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that consist of visibly different substances or phases. Phases meaning states of matter as gas,liquid, and solid. As I stated before, mixtures are everywhere, even in the kitchen! An example of this in everyday life is a pot stew or curry, usually in a meal like this solid ingredients are used and cooked in the liquid then thickened to a stew or curry (I'm hungry while writing this sorry). When cooking this meal the solid ingredients (for example a potato) doesn't dissolve and fully combine
with the rest of the meal like a homogeneous mixture would.
Image result for curry

Mixtures in the kitchen can absolutely evolve in the kitchen, both science and food evolves every second and together the possibilities are endless. In cooking its self there is a category of specifically working with  elements of food in a more scientific way that is a little more then just heating up a pan and making a meal. This is called Molecular Gastronomy, Molecular Gastronomy is amazing its self but I think that with time we can  take this to focus on make then just food. Maybe a food advancement that could influence changes in the human body that could help peoples health and well being.


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