Mahar-ullah Shahminah- Molecular Gastronomy

Molecular Gastronomy 

By: Shahminah Mahar-ullah
Image result for Molecular Gastronomy

Molecular Gastronomy is both a fusion of science and cooking. The scientific discipline gives the chef complete control of what the texture, taste, and physical appearance of the dish. Molecular Gastronomy is a modern unique style of cooking that some would say it could be considered art. There are three aspects of Molecular Gastronomy, as i said before it is texture,taste,and physical appearance.

Molecular Gastronomy can have a very simple and familiar taste or a new and unique taste. Taste is often a aspect that is forgotten about in Molecular Gastronomy. Mostly because people who don't know much about the style of cooking kinda forget that its actually cooking ,not just some form a science. Taste is the main focus with cooking in general and with molecular cooking taste can be brought to a whole new level since you have complete control over each part of the dish.

Same goes for physical appearance and texture. Although they may seen very similar they are very different in their own ways. Physical appearance focuses more on plating and the look and style of the food such as color. Texture is more focus on the way how it feels on the tongue for example, if it melts in your mouth or if its brittle and crisp.

Image result for texture molecular gastronomy
Molecular Gastronomy has come a long way with bout a lot of hate and a lot of positiveness for example another more famous chef [Gordon Ramsay]said that "food should not be played with by scientists. A chef should use his fingers and his tounge, not a test tube." In my opinion I feel like this form of cooking is incredible and increasing in popularity, which I like. Molecular Gastronomy can honestly change the entire cooking world in the future and advance it even more.


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