How to make plasma in a microwave, using a grape.
The process is simple: you cut a single grape nearly in half, leaving a bit of skin connecting the two halves, then microwave it by itself. After a few seconds in the microwave, you'll see sparking and a plume of plasma — a stream of charged particles called ions — leaping from one half to the other, then rising upward.
Due to the particular size of the grapes and the frequency of the concentrated microwaves, an electromagnetic field forms, causing these ions to flow from one grape half to the other. Initially, they pass through the flap of skin, but eventually, they leap through the air. This causes some of the surrounding air to ionize as well — producing the extremely hot, bright plumes of plasma that you see rising upward.
While I don't believe specifically that because we found out grapes can create plasma that it will directly create new technologies, but help by applying the process to other things. Who knows maybe someone will be able to harness lots of energy from creating plasma this way, or someone may decide to make a generator that constantly microwaves grapes and is powerful enough to power an entire house!
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