Atoms inside of Atoms?!?

Recently a new state of matter was discovered by putting a hydrogen atom inside of the electron shell of another atom at far below freezing. This state of matter was dubbed Rydberg polarons. Jochim Burgdörfer, director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Vienna University of Technology, states "For us, this new, weakly bound state of matter is an exciting possibility of investigating the physics of ultra-cold atoms."
This new state of matter does not have any uses as of yet, however it is speculated that this new state of matter could have many medical uses. I personally believe that this type of matter will never be used in my lifetime, but maybe in the future it could have many inexpensive practical applications.
This new sub-zero state of matter sent scientists into a tizzy. While the experiment only lasted for 6 milliseconds it still helped make great strides in the field of physics. If you believe this discovery could make a difference in science or not the discovery is still monumental

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