Scientists Blended a Phone!

Last week scientists at the University of Plymouth blended a cell phone to dust and measured the chemical composition. The results of this test proved that when a phone's life span runs out that you should recycle it. For example in a single phone 90 milligrams of silver and 36 milligrams of gold. This may seem like a small number but when millions of phones are produced every year it adds up.
Not only is their silver and gold in phones, there is also large quantities of iron, silicon, chromium, and tungsten. While these materials are quite common, they do require a large amount of ore to get the small amount needed for a single phone. Each phone requires 10-15 kilograms of ore to make. Bear in mind that a smart phone weighs a average of 150 grams.
Now  begs the question will people start recycling their phones? Based on current studies people care more about the environment they live in more than ever. This leads me to the belief that people will start recycling their phones once they have outlived their usefulness.

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